Cart Smart Blog | HUI Custom Medical Carts

Infographic: Factors that Impact Your Custom Medical Cart Development Timeline

Written by Shannon Pelky | December 6, 2018

Last week we discussed how long it takes to create a custom medical cart, and that blog post provides an accurate timeline, as long as everything goes right. However, as with anything in life, projects don't always go according to plan. Some factors are impossible to control, and there is not much you can do to fix those issues. Instead, what you should focus on are things you can impact. To help you out, we put together a list of factors that impact your custom medical cart development timeline, and we determined solutions to help you overcome those problems in this new infographic.

Factors that Impact Your Custom Medical Cart Development Timeline Infographic


We hope our suggestions will help you improve your project development timelines. If you have additional questions, or want to provide some extra suggestions that we missed, please comment below. Also, if you have a custom medical cart project you'd like to discuss, please contact us today to learn more about how we can help! 


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