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What to Expect for your Custom Medical Cart's Engineering Review Meeting

Posted by Brittany Beckmann on October 20, 2016

Much like discovery or concept refinement meetings, the engineering review meeting requires basic meeting etiquette for that concise meeting experience we all know and love.

Engineering Review Purpose

Throughout the engineering process, your engineers will collaborate with you, schedule incremental meetings to track progress and make sure you’re getting what you want out of your custom medical cart. The engineering review meeting validates everything you’ve worked on thus far, occurs at the end of the engineering process and has two purposes:

  1. Make sure that all finished work is current
  2. Make sure all information and materials are accounted for

The engineer review meeting is not a review of the entire project, which would be redundant at this point especially if you have upheld regular meetings throughout the engineering process.


Be. On. Time. If, for whatever reason, your custom medical cart project is not at the top of your priority list, make it one for that day. Just because it isn’t the most pressing matter of your day doesn’t mean that isn’t someone else’s. Punctuality is important for everyone, but it’s crucial for people who make decisions. If you’re someone who holds a lot of sway, your punctuality means nothing has to be repeated and the meeting doesn’t run longer than necessary.

Who attends?

We’ve discussed this a lot in our previous blogs because it is so pertinent to your custom medical cart project: who needs to be there? Simple. Anyone who makes project decisions or is influential in the decision making process needs to be there.

Sending a “messenger” to act as a stand-in rarely accomplishes anything. If you can’t be at the meeting in person, use some form of screen-sharing program, so you still know what’s happening and can offer input.


The engineering review meeting doesn’t have to take long if you don’t want it to (and honestly, who wants any meeting to run long?). So, partake in good meeting etiquette:

Make an agenda and stick to it

In some cases, side tangents can help get to the bottom of a matter, but if your conversation has nothing to do with the decision-making process, kindly digress and rehash at a different time.

Don’t jump ahead

Very little will get accomplished during the engineering review meeting if people bring up ideas or additions that have not yet been worked on. If your concern is related to engineering, the engineers will address the issue, so you can fully discuss it at the next meeting.

Lastly, if you’re rushing to finish and track things down before the engineering review meeting and don’t think you’ll be ready in time, it’s okay. Don’t be afraid to postpone the meeting. We understand. Plans often don’t work out way we intend. It’s better to have a meeting where everything is ready to go as opposed to one that’s interspersed with unfinished criteria.

Do you have a custom medical cart idea that you want to make a reality? Contact us today to get your project underway.

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